RSCDS Cape Town End-of-DAA Celebration - 29 October 2016
Post date: Oct 10, 2016 7:57:33 AM
The RSCDS Cape Town Branch will be holding a special end-of-DAA celebration dance on Saturday October 29 at Trinity Presbyterian Church Hall in Meadowridge. All dancers (whether participating in the DAA or not) are heartily invited to attend this social dance, where special guests will be Fiona Grant (DAA Tutor) and Mervyn Short (DAA Lead Assessor). More details will follow shortly, but we urge all dancers to reserve the date and be ready for a rip-roaring evening of dance.
A draft programme and crib can be downloaded below.
The dances are:
1. DAN the Dancing Rhino - Reel
2. Jaywalking - Jig
3. Road to McGregor - Strathspey
4. Trip to the Drakensberg - Jig
5. Littlecroft Strathspey - Strathspey
6. Catch the Wind - Reel
7. Joie de Vivre - Jig
8. Gentleman – Strathspey
9. Byron Strathspey – Strathspey
10. Best Set in the Hall – Jig
11. Never at Sea – Reel
12. Mairis Wedding - Reel