Worker's Day Class - 1 May 2014
Post date: Apr 25, 2014 11:32:59 AM
Bergvliet invite dancers from all other Cape Town Club's to an easy evening's dancing class that requires minimal work on Thursday, May 1, the public holiday celebrating Workers Day.
The programme is an eclectic mix of tried-and-tested favourites that most Cape Town dancers know pretty well. A crib with diagrams is available for download below.
Cost: R20
Venue: Trinity Presbyterian Church Hall, Newton Drive, Meadowridge
Time: 19:45 for 20:00
1. Joie de Vivre J32 3/4L Maarseveen: RSCDS XXXIX
2. Knotwork J40 3/4L Joubert: Golden Anniversary Book 1951-2001
3. The Dream Catcher S96 4S Orr: Silver Anniv.
4. The Bees of Maggieknockater J32 4/4L Drewry: Canadian
5. Polharrow Burn R32 5/5L Foss: Glendarroch
6. The Minister on the Loch S32 3/3L Goldring Gr1
7. Catch the Wind R32 3/4L Butterfield: Island Bay 1
8. Cherrybank Gardens S32 3/3L Drewry: Bankhead 1
9. The Montgomeries' Rant R32 3/4L Castle Menzies (18C): RSCDS X